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Liposuction Vernon Hills – Traditional Liposuction versus Cool Lipo – What’s better for you?

Today’s society wants results and they want them now, hence the explosion of medical spas, smart phones and diet supplements and vitamins. Is it possible to reap the same results the same with quicker and newer technologies? Cool Lipo is a laser-assisted liposuction that has had patients thrilled with the results and shocked by how minimal downtime and recovery is but, is it for everyone?

Traditional liposuction which can be offered by the liposuction Vernon Hills IL is a serious decision and in most cases, very successful. Liposuction in Vernon Hills surgically removes extra fat from beneath the skin using a hollow stainless steel tube (called a cannula) with the assistance of a powerful vacuum. Liposuction can be accomplished either with the use of general anesthesia, or with heavy IV sedation. However, there are patients who religiously exercise and eat a clean diet but still are bothered by pockets of fat but do not have weight issues – is this person a candidate?

As the plastic surgery industry grows, new technology appears; some good, some bad, some for marketing purposes. Cool Lipo or laser-assisted liposuction, has been touted as simple liposuction with minimal to no downtime or recovery and, it does live up to its reputation…for most. A good candidate for Cool Lipo is in a healthy weight range, healthy overall and wants to remove a pocket of fat and tighten skin but is relatively satisfied with their appearance. Laser-assisted liposuction uses a cannula with an attached laser light to liquefy fat cells. Once liquefied, the liquid fat is then removed through traditional liposuction incisions using standard liposuction cannulas. Manufacturers of these devices promote “skin tightening” and “decreased recovery time” as the main advantages.

In reality, laser-assisted liposuction is a form of liposuction—with the additional step of applying the laser energy before using the liposuction cannula to remove what has been treated with the laser. In my experience, laser-assisted liposuction is used to treat small problem areas under local anesthesia in the office. Conventional liposuction is good for to removing greater amounts of fat and typically requires a general anesthesia.

The most important piece of advice when considering any form of liposuction, research all of the factors and choose a board-certified plastic surgeon like the Vernon Hills Liposuction – price shouldn’t be the ultimate factor. To minimize complications, it is crucial to research many plastic surgeons and ask many questions during the consultation. Not only board-certified surgeons have the most experience, but you must be comfortable with your doctor’s bedside manner.

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