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Mommy Makeover Plastic Surgery Popularity on the Rise

Mothers will do anything for their children. Becoming a mother is one of the most exciting times in a woman’s life, but the energy that mothers put into caring for their children can lead them to neglect themselves.

Pregnancy leads to physical changes that can make a woman feel that she no longer looks her best. Weight gain and the positioning of a growing baby cause stretching in the abdomen. Stretch marks and sagging skin that result from pregnancy may not go away after the baby is born.

Mommy makeover plastic surgery targets problem areas that are associated with pregnancy. The cosmetic procedure pinpoints sagging skin and stretch marks to allow mothers to look like themselves again after they have experienced the miracle of pregnancy and childbirth.

This popular procedure is actually a combination of different plastic surgeries. Breast lifts or implants can help with sagging breasts that appear to be flattened after breastfeeding. Liposuction removes the fullness in the thighs and hips.

Sagging skin and stretch marks in the abdominal region can be corrected with abdominoplasty. The procedure tightens skin and tones the abdomen while sometimes improving the appearance of stretch marks.

The appeal of these procedures is that mothers get to feel like themselves again after a mommy makeover. The goal of mommy makeover plastic surgery is to allow a mother to look more like her natural self rather than changing the way she looks.

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