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Non Surgical Liposuction Alternatives: BodyFX vs CoolSculpting

Whether it’s a desire for flatter abs, contoured hips, or smaller thighs unwanted fat is a common concern of many. Fat can be stubborn and not always respond to diet and exercise. The good news it there are many non surgical liposuction methods available. The difficulty as a consumer with multiple treatments on the market is picking the one that will provide the best results. There are two non surgical liposuction alternatives on the market that are commonly researched by consumers and offered here at Ritacca Cosmetic Surgery & Medspa: CoolSculpting and BodyFX.

Comparing BodyFX vs CoolSculpting Non Surgical Liposuction Treatments


Freeze the Fat Away with CoolSculpting

CoolSculpting is a non surgical liposuction alternative treatment that works by a cooling system permanently eliminating the fat cells. A suctioning applicator is placed precisely over the area of treatment and over the course of an hour the fat cells freeze. The frozen fat cells then naturally shatter and are naturally flushed out through the lymphatic system. Patients often experience numbness to the area after treatment but there is no downtime and they are able to return to normal activities. Results can be seen in as little as a few weeks or take up to twelve weeks. A single treatment typically eliminates at least twenty five percent of fat cells in the area treated. CoolSculpting has been around for about ten years and over two million treatments in the USA have been performed.


Radio-frequency Fat Reduction with BodyFX

BodyFX treatment also eliminates unwanted fat cells for good by using gold standard RF technology which is a heat method instead of cooling. A vacuum is precisely and manually maneuvered over the area of unwanted fat and patients feel a warm massaging sensation. Short bursts of high voltage energy disrupt the wall of the fat cell resulting in their eventual death and natural removal through the lymphatic system. BodyFX is also non invasive with no downtime. Patients can return to their normal activities immediately. BodyFX is done in a series of eight treatments spaced approximately one to two weeks apart and results can typically start being seen after a few treatments.


Which Non Surgical Liposuction Alternative is Right for Me?

Both treatments have positive patient feedback and are clinically shown methods for fat reduction. BodyFX may be better suited for those who have laxity or treating an area with cellulite since the heat method that is BodyFX also tightens. BodyFX also may be better suited for circumferential areas. CoolSculpting may be better suited for those wanting to do a single treatment to target a stubborn area of fat versus committing to a series. Both BodyFX and CoolSculpting can treat common areas of unwanted fat such as abdomen, love handles, thighs, back, and arms. CoolSculpting also has a new indication for submental fullness also known as double chin.

Both treatments are comparable in pricing and offer patients fat reduction with no surgery or downtime. In a complimentary consultation an experienced patient coordinator will help decide with you which method would be ideal for you based on your surgical history, goals, and individualized anatomical concerns.

Complimentary consultations can be scheduled in our medical spa located in the North Chicago suburb of Vernon Hills at (847)367-8815.

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