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The Skin Care Benefits Of Argan Oil

Argan oil is oil made from the nuts of the argan tree. The argan tree only grows well in Morocco and the surrounding areas. Argan oil has amazing anti-aging and restorative properties. It also helps with skin issues like acne, wrinkles, dull and dry skin, eczema and even psoriasis.

Moroccan women have used this rare oil (also known as “Liquid Gold”) for hundreds of years. Argan oil is a veritable powerhouse of healthy vitamins and nutrients. It is packed with phytoserols and vitamin E (twice as much as olive oil). Its vitamin E content diminishes scars and reduces the appearance of age spots. Argan oil is loaded with essential fatty acids, phenols and sterols, which keep skin healthy and young looking.

The list goes on. Argan oil has a ton of carotene rich vitamin A. Vitamin A is essential to combating fine lines and wrinkles. It speeds up the cell turnover process, which gives skin its healthy, clear, vibrant appearance.

To use argan oil, just rub it into the skin. It will absorb quickly and produce immediate visible results. The results aren’t just visual, argan oil has well-documented anti-inflammatory benefits. If you suffer from skin disorders like chicken pox, arthritis and acne, argan oil will heal old scars and prevent new breakouts. It’s also a powerful anti-oxidant that will protects your skin against harmful free-radicals and the sun’s UV rays.

Worried about exploiting the Morroccans? No problem. Argan oil producers are part of a fair trade cooperative, which guarantees the oil is 100 percent organic and free of fertilizers, pesticides or other harmful chemicals.

Copyright 2012. As licensed to Ritacca Cosmetic Surgery and Medspa. All rights reserved

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