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Mommy Makeover: Cosmetic Surgery for Moms

Becoming a mother is one of life’s most exciting experiences, but it often has unwanted effects on your body. If you’re like many new mothers, you may grieve the loss of your pre-pregnancy figure. Once you’ve had your baby, you may find yourself left with sagging abdominal skin and unsightly fat deposits. After breastfeeding, your breast size, shape and firmness may be markedly reduced. Fortunately, there’s a solution. A mommy makeover is an affordable and minimally invasive set of cosmetic surgery procedures that can help you restore your gorgeous body.

A mommy makeover typically consists of three surgeries. The tummy tuck, or abdominoplasty, removes excess skin and fat and restores weakened muscles to reconstruct a firm, sculpted abdomen. Liposuction eliminates fat deposits around the abdomen and other areas that won’t respond to diet and exercise. A breast augmentation is usually the finishing touch. Depending on your needs and preferences, you can opt for a breast lift, breast implants or both. A breast lift removes excess skin and tightens the soft tissues around your breasts to restore them to a firmer and more pleasing shape. Breast implants, typically filled with a saline solution or silicone, enlarge your breasts and rejuvenate your profile with improved contouring. In some cases, you may even wish to discuss options for vaginal surgery to reshape to your genitalia.

After a short recovery period, your mommy makeover will change not only your looks but also how you feel about yourself. Increased self-esteem can improve your personal and professional life for years to come. Becoming a mommy doesn’t have to mean losing your former self. Consult a plastic surgeon today, and learn more about your post-pregnancy makeover options.

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