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Top three things you should incorporate into your diet daily

A well balanced, well rounded and nutritionally complete diet is one of the best methods of ensuring total body health. As you eat the right foods regularly you’ll look and feel better. Your skin, nails and hair also draw nutrients from the foods you eat and thus making sure you incorporate the top three items in to your daily diet will help you in looking and feeling great.

For your body to work properly you must replenish its water supply daily by consuming foods and drinks that contain water. Water is essential in keeping skin moisturized by adding it to your daily routine your skin will look and feel softer, smoother and suppler.

The second most important step is to consume various amounts of fresh fruits and vegetables every day. You can opt for items that have high concentrations of vitamins that are beneficial to skin, hair, nail and total body health. Oranges, apples, dark leafy greens, broccoli, beets, spinach, bananas and carrots all have high levels of nutrients that can help you look your best as you feed your skin from the inside out.

The third essential step in a well-balanced diet that is ideal for skin health is nuts and whole grains. Whole grains help to support a properly running digestive system which helps to flush toxins out of the body and nuts give you good fats and oils which can help in keeping skin well moisturized.

Copyright 2012. As licensed to Ritacca Cosmetic Surgery and Medspa. All rights reserved

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